Children On Horses/Junior/Young Rider Information evening 23rd March

  • 19 February 2015, 20:08

Children On Horses/Junior/Young Rider Information evening on Monday 23rd March @ 7.30 p.m. in HSI offices

Notice for all riders and parents interested in taking part in the 2015 COH/J/YR High Performance programme, there will be an information evening about the programme on Monday 23rd March @ 7.30 p.m. in the Horse Sport Ireland office, 1st Floor, Beech House, Millennium Park, Naas, Co Kildare.

Comdt John Ledingham the team manager will go through the selection criteria for 2015 and give information on training dates, selection events etc. If you would like to attend please let Debbie O’Connor know email:  [email protected] by Thursday 19th March 2015

Expression of Interest form for the 2015 programme can be downloaded here for anyone aiming to compete at the European Championships this year and to take part in the High Performance viewing days, these should be returned to Debbie O’Connor [email protected] by Thursday 19th March 2015


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