EV Breeding: Cathal Daniels takes two first place finishes with Irish Sport Horses in Barroca D’Alva
- 4 March 2020, 10:47
Ireland’s Cathal Daniels and Irish Sport Horses OLS King Aragon (Samgemjee X Seamanship) and Shannondale Mari (Shannondale Sarco St Ghyvan X Lux Z) took first place in both the CCI3*-S and CCI2*-S classes respectively in Barroca, Portugal last week.
See below for the full list of Irish-bred Eventing results:
Chattahoochee Hills HT, Georgia. (February 29th – March 1st).
Open Intermediate.
1st Cooley Cross Border (ISH) – 2007 gelding by Diamond Roller [ISH] out of Who’s Diaz (ISH) by Osilvis (KWPN) Breeder: Johnny Duffy (Louth). Rider: Kim Severson (USA) 23.8, 0, 3.6 = 27.4
2nd Urlanmore Beauty (ISH) – 2003 gelding by Ricardo Z (ZANG) out of Cavalier’s Delight (WNTR) by Cavalier Royale (HOLST). Breeder: Patrick Carey (Clare). Rider: Hanna Grace Johnson (USA) 30.7, 0, 12.8 = 43.5.
Open Preliminary.
2nd Boleybawn Magma (ISH) – 2012 gelding by Mermus R (KWPN) out of Syriana [ISH] by High Roller [ISH]. Breeder: Ronan Royhwell (Wicklow). Rider: Callie DeLong (USA) 30.4, 4, 2.8 = 37.2
5th Fernhill Full Throttle (ISH)[was Willows Dexter] – 2009 gelding by Cyrano (HOLST) out of Euro Glory [ISH] by Euro Clover (ISH)[TIH]. Breeder: William Gibson (Down). Rider: Ivie Cullen-Dean (USA) 30.7, 0, 13.6 = 44.3
8th Foxdale’s Celtic Charm (ISH)[was Legaland Rossas Lad] – 2013 gelding by Diarado (HOLST) out of Cheeky Rossa (ISH) by Cavalier Royale (HOLST). Breeder: Joe Reilly (Cavan). Rider: Kristin Schmolze (USA) 35.7, 0, 17.2 = 52.9.
Preliminary Rider.
2nd Fernhill Rodger That (ISH)[was Fernhill Roger & Newtown Boy] – 2009 gelding by Shannondale Sarco St Ghyvan (BWP) out of Kilclogher Cailin [ISH] by Ri An Domhan (ID). Breeder: Joseph Roche (Clare). Rider: Olivia Hahn (USA) 33.9, 4, 2.0 = 39.9
4th Fernhill DiCaprio (unk)[was Ado Rock] – 2014 gelding by Finnanloon Flight (ISH)[TIH] out of Finnan Scarlet (unk) by Shannondale Sarco St Ghyvan (BEWB). Breeder: Richard Delaney (Kilkenny). Rider: Sallie Johnson (USA) 28.7, 0, 12.4 = 41.1
7th Ardeo Illusion [ISH] – 2010 gelding by Beach Ball [ISH] out of Royale Echo (ISH)[TIH] by Clover Echo (ISH)[TIH]. Breeder: Thomas McGuigan (Tyrone). Rider: Paige Drury (USA) 37.8, 0, 12.8 = 50.6
8th Fernhill Stateside (ISH)[TIH] – 2007 gelding by Cloneen Clover (ID) out of Liladora (TB) by Lil’s Bot (TB). Breeder: Ian Smyth (Carlow). Rider: Paige Thorson (USA) 34.1, 0, 20.4 = 54.5.
Sporting Days Farm HT, South Carolina. (February 29th – March 1st).
Open Preliminary A.
7th Sunday Times (ISH)[TIH][was Lackaghbeg Hero] – 2007 gelding by Cult Hero (TB) out of Lackaghbeg Crest (ID) by Sea Crest (ID). Breeder: Paddy Joyce (Galway). Rider: Arden Wildasin (USA) 37.6, 4, 0.0 = 41.6.
Open Preliminary B.
5th ChitChat (ISH) 2008 gelding by S Creevagh Ferro Ex Siebe (KWPN) out of Terrygreenhan Twinkle [ISH] by Furisto’s Diamond [ISH]. Breeder: Terence Keenan (Monaghan). Rider: Arden Wildasin (USA) 33.3, 0.4, 0.0 = 33.7.
Preliminary Horse.
5th Quality Touchdown (ISH) – 2014 gelding by Cara Touche [ISH] out of Lazio (ISH) by Aldato (KWPN). Breeder: Michael Hayde (Kilkenny). Rider: Booli Selmayr (USA) 28.7, 4, 14.0 = 46.7.
Preliminary Rider B.
5th Wexford Cruise (ISH)[TIH] – 2013 gelding by Loch Cruise [ISH] out of Glebe Cream (ISH)[TIH] by Rich Rebel (TB). Breeder: Franes Sheeran (Laois). Rider: Anna Billings (USA) 34.8, 0, 12.8 = 47.2.
Twin Rivers Winter HT, California. (February 28th – March 1st).
Open Intermediate.
1st Castle Larchfield Purdy (ISH) – 2002 gelding by an unknown sire out of Hallo Purdy (ISH) by Hallo (SF). Breeder: Patrick Hally (Kilkenny). Rider: Lauren Billys (USA) 27.8, 0, 0.4 = 28.2
2nd Ringwood Justice (ISH) – 2008 gelding by Ringwood Harley Carol [ISH] out of Ringwood Venus (ISH) by Osilvis (KWPN) Breeder: Peter Leonard (Limerick). Rider: Derek di Grazia (USA) 30.3, 0, 3.2 = 33.5
4th Ringwood Isabelle (ISH) – 2007 mare by Ard VDL Douglas (KWPN) out of Stream Diamond (ISH)[TIH] by More Diamonds (ISH)[TIH]. Breeder: Michael Callery (Meath). Rider: Bea di Grazia (USA) 33.6, 0, 2.8 = 36.4
9th Greenfort Carnival [ISH][was Attyrory Acres] – 2010 gelding by Aughrim Knight (ISH)[TIH] out of Easkey Princess (ISH). Breeder: Michael Cruise (Roscommon). Rider: Shannon Lilley (USA) 31.0, 12, 8.0 = 51.0.
Junior Young Rider Open Preliminary.
2nd Shadow Inspector (ISH)[was Caraghs High Inspector & Detective Inspector] – 2010 gelding by Tinaranas Inspector (WSTF) out of Caragh Roller [ISH] by High Roller [ISH]. Breeder: Stephen Kelliher (Kerry). Rider: Haley Turner (USA) 26.7, 0, 3.2 = 29.9
3rd Kiltubrid Rhapsody (ISH) – 2007 gelding by Cascaletto St. Ghyvan Z (ZANG) out of Kiltubrid Heather (ISH) by Lombado (KWPN). Breeder: Marian Tighe (Leitrim). Rider: Kathryn Canario (USA) 30.9, 0, 0.0 = 30.9.
Open Preliminary.
1st Freedom Hill (ISH) – 2010 gelding by Vriend (KWPN) out of Sallymount Clover (ISH)[TIH] by Clover Valley (ISH)[TIH]. Breeder: Oinri Jackson (Meath). Rider: Lauren Burnell (USA) 24.1, 0, 0.0 = 24.1
10th Summerbridge Parc (ISH) [was Summerbridge Rambi] – 2012 gelding by Ramiro B (BWP) out of Summerbridge Lilly [ISH] by Watermill Swatch (TB). Breeder: Colin Elliot (Meath). Rider: Tamara Smith (USA) 27.6, 4, 2.4 = 34.0.
Rocking Horse Winter HT, Florida. (February 28th – March 1st).
Advanced / Intermediate.
5th Carrick Finest Lad (ISH)[TIH] – 2008 gelding by Carrick Diamond Lad (ISH)[TIH] out of Clover’s Finest (P)(ISH)[TIH] by Clover Hill (ID). Breeder: Tom Jones (Monaghan). Rider: Abiail Niles (USA) 35.5, 8, 36.8 = 80.3.
Open Intermediate (Friday) A.
2nd BGS Firecracker (ISH) – 2010 mare by Capitalist (HOLST) out of Emmas Courage (ISH) by Courage II (HOLST). Breeder: Patrick Byrne (Wexford). Rider: Mia Farley (USA) 30.4, 0, 13.6 = 44.0
3rd Cooley SOS (ISH)[was Emilions Courage, Killyglass Emilions Courage] – 2011 gelding by Emilion (KWPN) out of Dalways Courage (ISH) by Courage 11 (HOLST). Breeder: JV Primrose (Antrim). Rider: Hallie Coon (USA) 35.7, 0, 8.4 = 44.1
8th Colenomer (ISH) – 2008 gelding by Ghareeb (TB) out of Riverside Furryoso [ISH] by Furryoso [ISH]. Breeder: William Kearney (Wexford). Rider: Lizzy Jahnke (USA) 30.0, 12, 13.6 = 55.6.
Open Intermediate (Friday) B.
4th Electric Lux (ISH) – 2010 mare by Lux Z (HANN) out of Kilnamac Sue [ISH][TIH] by Cruising (ISH)[TIH]. Breeder: James Ryan (Tipperary). Rider: Natalia Neneman (USA) 33.0, 4, 4.4 = 41.4.
Open Preliminary (Friday) A.
5th Superstorm Sandy (ISH) – 2010 mare by Russel (HOLST) out of Jenaway Dream (TB) by Mister Lord (TB). Breeder: John Lonergan (Tipperary). Rider: Benita Strini (USA) 30.4, 0, 12.4 = 42.8
9th Enchanting Class (ISH) – 2010 mare by Iroko (WESTF) out of Woodview Douglas Cruise (ISH) by ARD VDL Douglas (KWPN). Breeder: Gerard Ryan (Tipperary). Rider: Meghan O’Donoghue (USA) 36.5, 4, 6.4 = 46.9.
Open Preliminary (Friday) B.
4th Kilcannon Kandy Kid [ISH] – 2013 gelding by Sligo Candy Boy [ISH] out of Charlestown Daisy (ISH)[TIH] by Cruise On (ISH)[TIH]. Breeder: Patrick J Wall (Mayo). Rider: Megan O’Donoghue (USA) 32.1, 0, 1.6 = 33.7
6th Catch Me Cooley (ISH)[was GRC Brigade] – 2012 gelding by Clover Brigade (ISH)[TIH] out of Loughnavatta Sabrina (ISH) by VDL Arkansas (KWPN). Breeder: Rory Costagan (Tipperary). Rider: Kelly Prather (USA) 33.3, 0, 4.0 = 37.3
9th Kingcarra Cooley Diamond (ISH)[was Kingcarra Knight Shadow & Kingcarra Diamond] – 2012 gelding by Jack of Diamonds (SWB) out of Forans Page (ISH)[TIH] by Coevers Diamond Boy [ISH]. Breeder: Rita Dempsey (Wexford). Rider: Dasha Ivandeava (USA) 27.3, 0, 15.6 = 43.1.
Open Intermediate A.
7th SRS Picasso (ISH) – 2011 gelding by Passion (WEWB) out of God Mother [ISH] by Ghareeb (TB). Breeder: Michael Hutchinson (Kilkenny). Rider: Michael Nolan (USA) 34.5, 4, 23.2 = 61.7
8th Ballingowan Zeal (ISH)[TIH] – 2007 gelding by Seabrook (TB) out of Shara Bride (ID) by Clover Hill (ID) Breeder: Tom Reilly (Cavan). Rider: Shanon Baker (USA) 32.1, 12, 18.4 = 62.5.
Open Intermediate B.
7th Ballinagore Rock Quality (unk) – 2008 mare OIO. Rider: Kimberly Begin (USA) 35.9, 4, 18.0 = 57.9
9th Mr Tequila Dancer (ISH) – 2010 gelding by Inocent (KWPN) out of Dancinng Lady (TB) by Wondras (TB). Breeder: Nadine Frei (Kildare). Rider: Samantha McCleerey (USA) 37.3, 16, 8.0 = 61.3.
Open Preliminary.
1st Harbour Pilot [ISH] – 2003 gelding by Cruising (ISH)[TIH] out of Shannon (TB) by Fijar Tango (TB). Rider: Hannah Sue Burnett (USA) 21.3, 0, 1.2 = 22.5
3rd Lukeswell [ISH][was Horseware Lukeswell] – 2005 gelding by Puissance (ISH)[TIH] out of Gentle Servant (ISH) by Kings Servant (ISH)[TIH]. Breeder: Teresa Walsh (Kilkenny). Rider: Hannah Sue Burnett (USA) 30.0, 0, 0.0 = 30.0
4th SBT Clover Road (ISH)[TIH][was Happy Highway] – 2011 gelding by Road to Happiness (TB) out of Crisp Clover (ISH)[TIH] by Clover Hill (ID). Breeder: James Ryan (Limerick). Rider: Robin Walker (USA) 29.0, 0, 1.6 = 30.6
5th MTH Shannondale Khaleesi (ISH)[was Greygrove Misty & Shannondale Fauve] – 2012 mare by Shannondale Sarco St Ghyvan (BEWB) out of Greygrove Sally (ISH) by Maltstriker (KWPN). Breeder: Thomas Ryan (Clare). Rider: Leslie Law (GBR) 27.3, 0, 3.6 = 30.9
7th Hot Bobo (ISH) – 2013 gelding by VDL Arkansas (KWPN) out of Taneys Leader (TB) by Supreme Leader (TB). Breeder: Emma Phelan (Dublin). Rider: Karl Slezak (USA) 29.4, 4, 1.6 = 35.0
8th Duiske Abbey (ISH) – 2010 mare by OBOS Quality 004 (OLD) out of Comane Abbey (ISH). Breeder: Patrick Brennan (Cork). Rider: Connor Giesselman (USA) 29.6, 4.4, 1.2 = 35.2
10th Cooley Mr Brightside (ISH)[was Kincooley Mr Brightside] – 2013 gelding by Mermus R (KWPN) out of Cooloo Rebel (ISH)[TIH] by Rich Rebel (TB). Breeder: Cathal Lyons (Galway). Rider: Hallie Coobn (USA) 29.8, 0, 8.0 = 37.8.
Preliminary Horse.
1st Typically Fernhill (ISH)[was Castlefield Ciao] – 2012 gelding by Dondoctro Ryal K (KWPN) out of Castlefield Sarah (unk) by Guy Cavalier [ISH]. Breeder: Jim O’Neill (Kilkenny). Rider: Leslie Law (GBR) 25.2, 0.4, 2.0 = 27.6
5th MHS Instant Karma (ISH) – 2014 gelding by Toulon (BWP) out of MHS Image (ISH) by Quidam JuniorI (KWPN). Breeder: Ita Brennan (Kilkenny). Rider: Dasha Ivandaeva (USA) 28.5, 0, 9.6 = 38.1
8th First Venture (ISH) – 2014 gelding by Amigo B (KWPN) out of Geesala Queen (ISH)[TIH] by Errigal Flight (ISH)[TIH]. Breeder: Conor Coonan (Offaly). Rider: Karl Slezak (USA) 28.5, 0, 35.6 = 94.1.
Preliminary Rider B.
5th Tullabeg Tango [ISH] – 2012 mare by Tullabeg Fusion [ISH] out of Tullabeg Heidi (ISH). Breeder: Nicholas Cousins (Wexford). Rider: Madeline Hartsock (USA) 37.3, 4, 10.8 = 52.1.
Full Gallop Farm February HT, South Carolina (February 25th – 26th).
4th Cooley Criminal Mind [ISH][was Ballyneety Roly Poly] – 2012 gelding by Diamond Roller [ISH] out of Ballyneety Royale (ISH)[TIH] by Beau Royale (TB). Breeder: Fiona Hickey (Limerick). Rider: Kim Severson (USA) 28.5, 0, 11.6 = 40.1.
Isleham ODE, Cambridgeshire. (February 29th – March 1st).
Open Intermediate Sec J.
2nd Cooley Monsoon (ISH)[was KLS Cooley B & Killossery Cooley] – 2008 gelding by Ramiro B (BWP) out of Declans Folly (ISH) by Krakatan (KWPN). Breeder: Thomas Byrne (Wicklow). Rider: Piggy March(GRB) 22.7, 4, 10.4 = 37.1
3rd Crambamboli (ISH) – 2004 gelding by OBOS Quality 004 (OLD) out of Miss Betsie [ISH]. Breeder: Joanne O’Dwyer (Kilkenny). Rider: Anthony Clark (GBR) 32.1, 4, 12.0 = 48.1
4th A Bit Much [ISH] – 2005 gelding by Furisto’s Diamond [ISH] out of Cavalier Forest [ISH] by Cavalier Clover Lad [ISH]. Breeder: Myles Somers (Wexford). Rider: Angus Smales (GBR) 35.0, 8, 10.8 = 53.8
6th Don Meeco (ISH) – 2009 gelding by Beowulf [ISH] out of Quartz Z (ZANG) by Quito de Baussy (SF). Breeder: Don Hadden (Wicklow). Rider: Katie Barber (GBR) 38.0, 00, 18.8 = 6.8
9th Dassett Cooley Dun (unk) – 2006 gelding OIO. Rider: Sarah Way (GBR) 35.5, 4, 52.0 = 91.5.
Intermediate Sec I.
1st Ringwood Madras (ISH) – 2011 mare by Tinaranas Inspector (WESTF) out of Ringwood Rajah (ISH) by Ram Z (HANN). Breeder: Peter Leonard (Limerick). Rider: Ben Way (GBR) 34.3, 0, 13.2 = 47.5
2nd Baskin Wicked Game (ISH) – 2012 gelding by Emilion (KWPN) out of Baskin Rain (ISH) by Don Juan de la Bouverie (SBS). Breeder: Sarah Carey (Dublin). Rider: Anthony Clark (GBR) 36.4, 0, 22.4 = 58.8.
Novice Sec H.
1st Hendrix (ISH) – 2012 gelding by Garrison Royal [ISH] out of Parknahown Beauty (ISH) by Olympic Lux (KWPN). Breeder: Liam Delaney (Laois). Rider: Holly Needham (GBR) 34.0, 4, 0.0 = 38.0
3rd Annsfort Quality (ISH) – 2011 gelding by OBOS Quality 004 (OLD) out of Laurel Leaf (TB) by Taipan (TB). Breeder: Patricia Lalor (Tipperary). Rider: Joe Wise (GBR) 32.5, 0, 7.6 = 40.1
5th KEC Quality Fantasy (ISH) – 2011 gelding by OBOS Quality 004 (OLD) out of KEC Double Sensation (ISH)[TIH] by Glidawn Diamond (ID). Breeder: William Kennedy (Kerry). Rider: Oliver Jackson (GBR) 36.3, 0, 6.8 = 43.1
7th Trinity O Really (ISH) – 2011 gelding by Lancelot (KWPN) out of KEC Hazzanni (ISH) by Aldatus Z (OLD). Breeder: William Kennedy (Kerry). Rider: Ella Dettoi (GBR) 31.0, 4, 8.8 = 43.8
8th Glenard Ash (ISH) – 2012 gelding by Douglas Cavalier [ISH] out of Glenard Jasmine (ISH) by Courage II (HOLST). Breeder: John Howlin (Wexford). Rider: Jaime Hill (GBR) 35.8, 0, 8.8 = 44.6
9th Chacoa Roulette (ISH) – 2009 mare by Chacoa (HOLST) out of OK Gruvy Baby [ISH] by Diamond Serpent [ISH] Breeder: Kieran Kennedy (Limerick). Rider: Eleanor Binns (GBR) 34.0, 4, 7.6 = 45.6.
Open Novice Sec G.
3rd Brookfield Quality (ISH) – 2009 gelding by OBOS Quality 004 (OLD) out of Bay Coffey Cavalier (ISH) by Cavalier Royale (HOLST). Breeder: Sean Kelly (Monaghan). Rider: Piggy March (GBR) 31.5, 0, 5.2 = 36.7
4th Bonhunt Bertie (ISH) – 2012 gelding by Wivollet Vanbeek (KWPN) out of Eileens Pride (ISH)[TIH] by Porter Rhodes (TB) Breeder: Jack Murphy (Kilkenny). Rider: Simon Grieve (GBR) 34.3, 0, 2.8 = 37.1
6th AKD Cooley Lockdown (ISH)[was AKD Balento]- 2011 gelding by Balou Du Rouet (OLD) out of AKD Possession (ISH)[TIH] by Puissance (ISH)[TIH]. Breeder: Anna Dillon (Armagh). Rider: Wills Oakden (GBR) 32.0, 0, 7.6 = 39.6
8th Kilpatrick Knight (ISH)[TIH] – 2005 gelding by Master Imp (TB) out of Golden Choice (P)(ISH)[TIH] by Golden Trump (TB). Breeder: Joan Dolan (Kildare). Rider: Georgina Herrling (GBR) 33.8, 0, 8.8 = 42.6
10th Hilton Cooley (ISH)[was Je Taime Valencia & Hilton Je Taime] – 2011 gelding by Je T’Aime Flamenco (BWP) out of Shawnee (SWB) by Amani (HANN). Breeder: Comdt. John Ledingham (Meath). Rider: Wills Oakden (GBR) 36.0, 0, 8.0 = 44.
Barroca D’Alva CCI. (February 27th – 29th).
1st OLS King Aragon (ISH) – 2011 gelding by Samgemjee [ISH] out of Just Beauty Queen [ISH] by Seamanship (TB). Breeder: Kieran Connors (Kildare). Rider: Cathal Daniels (IRL) 30.7, 0, 0.0 = 30.7.
1st Shannondale Mari (ISH) – 2013 mare by Shannondale Sarco St Ghyvan (BEWB) out of Shannondale Maria (ISH) by Lux Z (HANN). Breeder: Martin Walsh (Clare). Rider: Cathal Daniels (IRL) 26.9, 0, 0.0 = 26.9.
These results have been provided to Horse Sport Ireland by Charlie Ripman.
For previous results please visit www.horsesportireland.ie/news.
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