EV Breeding: Second for Irish Sport Horse Wasting Light in Italian CCI3*

  • 17 November 2015, 18:14

Ireland’s Aoife Clark and the eight year old Irish Sport Horses Waasting Light finished second in their first CCI3* together while competing in Ravenna, Italy. Evelina Bertoli (ITA) claimed second place in the CIC3* riding another Irish Sport Horse, Leitrim Orient Express.

See below for a full list of Irish-bred International Eventing results: 



Texas Rose Fall HT, Texas. November 7th – 8th.

Open Preliminary.

3 Cooley Blue. (ISH)(TIH)[was Cooley Bridge] – 2008 gelding by Blueberry Bridge (ISH) out of Blaithins Sheer Danzig (TB) by Sheer Danzig (TB). Breeder: Martin Shaughnessy. Rider: Rosa Lehnig (USA) 39.3, 4, 13.2 = 56.5.


Poplar Place Farm November HT, Georgia. November 7th – 8th.

Junior Young Rider Open Preliminary.

1 Fernhill Can Do. (ISH) – 2002 gelding by Limmerick (HOLST) out of Bella Canna (TB) by Belfalas (TB) Breeder: Robert Gordon (Antrim). Rider: Paige Pence (USA) 26.8, 4, 18.8 = 49.6

Open Preliminary.

1 Mylestown. (ISH)[was Mylestown Navaho] – 2008 gelding by Cavalier Two for Joy (ISH) out of Grange Castle (TB) by Windsor Castle (TB). Breeder: Dominic McArdle (Cork). Rider: Sarah Kuhn (USA) 28.0, 12, 13.6 = 53.6.


Fresno County Horse Park HT, California. November 14th – 15th.

Open Preliminary.

1 Thomascourt Cooley. (ISH)[was Thomascourt Moneyball] – 2008 gelding by Cruising (ISH) out of Mascamaby (HOLST) by Carnaby (HOLST). Breeder: Sean Nugent (Tyrone). Rider: James Alliston (USA) 24.8, 0, 0.0 = 24.8.


Ocala Horse Properties Fall HT, Florida. November 14th.

Open Preliminary.

1 Avoca Druid. (ISH)(TIH) – 2008 gelding by King’s Master (ISH) out of Knockanree Nell (ISH) by Frankfort Boy (TB). Breeder: Christine Banks (Wicklow). Rider: Jonathan Holling (USA) 25.9, 0, 3.2 = 29.1

9 Garryndruig Albie. (ISH) – 2004 gelding by VDL Arkansas (KWPN) out of Diamond Abbie (ISH) by Glidawn Diamond (ID) Breeder: Geraldine McGeoghan Santry (Cork). Rider: Kyle Carter (USA) 28.6, 4, 6.4 = 39.0.

Preliminary Rider.

2 Cooley Castle. (ISH)[was Longfield Beach & Cooley Beach] – 2009 gelding by Beach Ball (ISH) out of Longfield Desert Gold (WNTR) by Golden Major VII (WNTR). Breeder: William Barfoot (Derry). Rider: Cassandra Wallskog (USA) 30.5, 0, 9.2 = 39.7.


River Glen Fall HT, Tennessee. November 13th – 15th.

Junior and Young Rider Preliminary.

5 Balmoral Mighty Legend. (TB) – 2002 mare by Mighty Heights (TB) out of Pink Panther (TB). Rider: Cosby Green (USA) 40.7, 4, 0.0 = 44.7.



Open Preliminary A.

2 Master Mind. (ISH)(TIH)[was Watervalley Lord Master] – 2008 gelding by Kings Master (ISH) out of TheLord’sPrayer (TB) by Mister Lord (TB). Breeder: Sean Thomas Lydon (Galway). Rider: Megan Moore (USA) 29.3, 4, 0.0 = 33.3

6 Mooney Maguire. (ISH)(TIH) – 2007 gelding by Cult Hero (TB) out of Bing Power (ISH) by Tomgar Power Crest (ISH). Breeder: Bryan Maguire (Wexford). Rider: Megan Moore (USA) 31.6, 4, 11.2 = 46.8.

Open Preliminary B.

6 Fernhill Allure. (ISH)[was Maizey Malt] – 2008 gelding by Chacoa (HOLST) out of Molly’s Diamondstrike (ISH) by Maltstriker (KWPN). Breeder: Noel O’Shea (Clare). Rider: Danielle Busbee (USA) 31.4, 0, 15.6 = 47.0.



Ravenna ODE. November 12th – 14th.


2 Wasting Light. (ISH) – 2007  gelding by Ghareeb (TB) out of Barnview Diamond (ISH) by Furisto’s Diamond (ISH) Breeder: Patrick Jones (Wexford). Rider: Aoife Clark (IRL) 50.5, 0, 6.0 = 56.5

5 Barraduff. (ISH) – 2002 gelding by Carroll House (TB) out of  Crested Vesta VII (ISH) by Sea Crest (ID) Breeder: Sheelagh Hickey. Rider: Pietro Roman (ITA) 46.4, 12, 12.0 = 70.4.


2 Leitrim Orient Express. (ISH)(TIH) – 2003 mare by Leitrim Classic Clover (ISH) out of Izodora (ISH) by Euphemism (TB). Breeder: W A Anderson (Down). Rider Evelina Bertoli (ITA) 54.9, 12, 10.4 = 77.3.


2 Fernhill First Impression. (ISH)(TIH) [was Ballinamonpark Leonardo] – 2004 gelding by Master Imp (TB) out of Tremblant Lass (WNTR) by Tremblant (TB). Breeder: Vahe Bogossian (Waterford). Rider Pietro Majolino (ITA) 54.1, 0, 12.0 = 66.1.


1 Killossery Garrison Allen. (ISH) – 2007 gelding by Garrison Royal (ISH) out of Garrison Pride (ISH) by Regular Guy (TB). Breeder: Charles Patterson (Laois). Rider: Pietro Roman (ITA) 39.7, 0, 8.8 = 48.5

8 Mullybrannon Masterpiece (ISH) 2008 gelding by Ricardo Z (ZANG) out of Taras Lady (ISH) by Andretti (TB). Breeder: Antoinette & Patrick Milligan (Down). Rider: Maria Sole Girardi (ITA) 47.2, 0, 9.6 = 56.8.


These results have been provided to Horse Sport Ireland by Charlie Ripman

For previous results please visit www.horsesportireland.ie/news

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