Four clubs achieve gold standard as over €4,000 awarded under club excellence scheme

  • 12 January 2015, 11:27

Four clubs achieved the highest possible standard under the Association of Irish Riding Clubs newly introduced Club Excellence Award scheme.

Seven clubs into total applied to the scheme when the first round of submissions were sought late last year.  This means that over half of the applicants achieved the highest standard while two other clubs achieved silver with one club attaining the bronze standard.

The scheme recognises the vital contribution affiliated clubs make in the development of the sport while providing outlets for participation and promoting equestrian sports at grassroots level.  It also provides a road map for clubs to ensure they are operating at the highest standards possible.

Each applicant is assessed under 35 different criteria in areas such as club management, club development, education and training, volunteer management, competition participation, community development and health and safety.

The clubs will each receive a grant of €750 (Gold), €500 (Silver) and €250 (Bronze), depending on the standard they attained.

A.I.R.C. chairman Tony Ennis said, “A lot of hard work went into putting those applications together and the results were very encouraging.”

“I would encourage as many clubs as possible to get involved and apply for the award when the next of submissions open as it is a very worthwhile exercise to ensure your club is developing on the right track.”

Club Excellence Award Results:

Gold Award

  • Calliaghstown Riding Club
  • Carne Riding Club
  • Castle Hill Riding Club
  • Waterford Riding Club

Silver Award

  • Boyneside Riding Club
  • Castle Carraig Riding Club

Bronze Award

  • Tynagh Riding Club
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