Equine Anti-Doping

National Equine Anti-Doping Programme

As the National Governing Body for Equestrian Sports in Ireland, we (Horse Sport Ireland) make available a National Equine Anti-Doping Programme to our Affiliated Bodies. We have been running the programme since 2012. Our Anti-Doping programs seek to preserve what is intrinsically valuable about sport. This intrinsic value is often referred to as “the spirit of sport”. The programme is governed under our Equine Anti-Doping and Equine Controlled Medication Rules (EAD/ECM), which are similar to that of the FEI Rules.

Equine Prohibited Substance List

The Horse Sport Ireland EAD/ECM Rules incorporate the FEI Equine Prohibited Substance List (EPSL) which is published and revised by the FEI from time to time. The EPSL enables Persons Responsible (PRs) to ensure that they are not treating or feeding horses with substances that are prohibited for use during competition and substances that are not permitted for use in the horse at any time.

Prohibited substances are categorised as follows:

  • ‘Banned Substances’ are substances that are deemeed by the FEI to have no legitimate use in the competition horse and/or have a high potential for abuse. They are not permitted for use in the competition horse at any time.
  • ‘Controlled Medication’ are substances that are deemed by the FEI to have therapeutic value and/or be commonly used in equine medicine. Controlled Medication have the potential to affect performance and/or be a welfare risk to the horse.
FEI Prohibited Substance Database

The purpose of this database is to help PRs identify which substances are prohibited under the regulations. Information such as substance definition, common usage and common trade names are available. You must be aware that the list of trade names is not exhaustive but it reflects the most popular trade names in certain countries. The trade names used may be different in your country therefore it is imperative you always use the database to check for active substances rather than trade names. Please be aware, if a substance has the same chemical structure or biological effect as a substance on the List, it is also prohibited just as if it were on the List.

Equine Therapeutic Use Exemption Form (ETUE)

In cases where Horses require emergency veterinary treatment with a controlled medication prior to competition, an Equine Therapeutic Use Exemption (ETUE) may be applied in accordance with the following procedures.

  • The treating veterinarian must complete an ETUE application form and submit this by email to Horse Sport Ireland before 10am on the last working day prior to the start of the In-Competition period.
  • The ETUE application form must include a signed stamped statement by the treating veterinarian describing the reason for treatment, the active substance given, the dose and the exact time of administration.
  • The Horse Sport Ireland Adjudicating Veterinarian will consider the application and determine whether or not the horse is permitted to compete based on guidelines set down by Horse Sport Ireland.
  • If an ETUE is granted by the adjudicating Veterinarian, the Testing Veterinarian in respect of the relevant In–Competition Period will be informed along with the PR.
  • An EUTE does not exempt a PR and their Horse from Equine Anti-Doping testing. If tested and the substance listed on the form is reported in an adverse analytical finding, the PR will not be sanctioned on those findings.

**NB** All ETUE’s applied for to HSI relate to National Events only. These do not apply for FEI events.

It is the responsibility of the Rider/Owner to establish with certainty that an ETUE application has been granted prior to the Horse competing.

Equine Therapeutic Use Exemption (ETUE) for Regumate (Altrenogest) – Season Long Exemption

HSI no longer require an ETUE to be completed for Regumate (Altenogest). It’s use for suppressing oestrus in mares and for this specific purpose is allowed under FEI Rules and as HSI Equine Anti-Doping Rules are harmonised with the FEI Rules, it is allowed under HSI Rules. Its use in a male horse (gelding or stallion) is not permissible.

Additional information on the FEI Regumate Policy update from 2018 can be found by clicking HERE.


All ETUEs for National Completions in Ireland should be emailed to the Horse Sport Ireland Office: E: [email protected] 



Cannabidiols (CBD) Update

Both the FEI Equine Anti-Doping and Controlled Medication Regulations and HSI Anti-Doping and Controlled Medication Rules prohibit cannabidiols (CBD) and their metabolites. CBD, both natural and synthetic forms, are likely to effect the performance of a horse due to its reported anxiolytic effects. This substance is no different than legitimate therapeutics that effect mentation and behaviour in horses.

It is for these reasons that the FEI and Horse Sport Ireland pursuant to the National Anti-Doping Programme prohibits CBD and all related cannabinoids.

Horses competing under either FEI or HSI rules who test positive for natural cannabinoids, synthetic cannabinoids and other cannabimimetics will be considered in violation of said rules.

Both HSI and FEI list natural cannabinoids, synthetic cannabinoids, and other cannabimimetics as prohibited substances.

Caution is important when using these products as their composition widely varies and may not be representative of their label claims. Athlete must exercise caution and confer with their Veterinarian and the FEI Prohibited Substances Database.

National Equine Anti-Doping Programme – Results Management

Horse Sport Ireland publish their Equine Anti-Doping Review yearly. The yearly review outlines the following:

  • Doping/Controlled Medication Rule Violations including, administrative sanctions and hearing outcomes
  • Testing Programme for Member Bodies including, affiliates utilising the programme and the number of samples collected.

A full record of all reviews from 2012 to the current year can be viewed in the table below. Before that is a link to the review of the current / most recent year.


Past Anti-Doping Annual Reviews & Table of Cases
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023