Horse Sport Ireland Equine Anti-Doping Programme – 2019 Annual Report

  • 17 January 2020, 12:23

Horse Sport Ireland, the governing body for equestrian sport in Ireland, publish their Equine Anti-Doping Review annually. The yearly review outlines the following:

  • Doping/Controlled Medication Rule Violations including, administrative sanctions and hearing outcomes
  • Testing Programme for Member Bodies including, affiliates utilising the programme and the number of samples collected.

During the period from January 1st, 2019 – December 31st, 2019, a total of 127 Equine Anti-Doping tests were carried out in Ireland returning a total of two doping/controlled medication rule violations.


The first violation was at a Showjumping Ireland event, Warrington on 21st April where Sven Hadley with Ganorad tested positive for Meloxicam. The outcome of this rule violation was acceptance of the administrative procedure with disqualification from the event for both parties and all prizes forfeited along with a fine of €500.


The second violation was at an Eventing Ireland event, Ballindenisk on 16th June where Sarah Lang with RNG Vantage Point tested positive for Phenylbutazone and Oxyphenbutazone. The outcome of this rule violation was acceptance of the administrative procedure with disqualification from the event for both parties and all prizes forfeited along with a fine of €500.


The Horse Sport Ireland National Equine Anti-Doping Programme Summary 2019 can be found HERE


Horse Sport Ireland’s Equine Anti-Doping Programme is supported by the HSI Veterinary Committee. The HSI Veterinary Committee, chaired by Dr Mary Flannery, act in an expert advisory capacity in relation to Horse Sport Ireland Equine Anti-Doping and Controlled Medication Programme and any additional relevant veterinary matters related to the execution of HSI’s Strategic Plan vis-à-vis equine welfare.


*Note – Public Reporting does not apply to cases involving Minors. Information in relation to Minors are therefore not published.





Equine Prohibited Substance List

The Horse Sport Ireland EAD/ECM Rules incorporate the FEI Equine Prohibited Substance List (EPSL) which is published and revised by the FEI from time to time. The EPSL enables Persons Responsible (PRs) to ensure that they are not treating or feeding horses with substances that are prohibited for use during competition and substances that are not permitted for use in the horse at any time.


Prohibited substances are categorised as follows:

  • Banned Substances’ are substances that are deemed by the FEI to have no legitimate use in the competition horse and/or have a high potential for abuse. They are not permitted for use in the competition horse at any time.
  • Controlled Medication’ are substances that are deemed by the FEI to have therapeutic value and/or be commonly used in equine medicine. Controlled Medication have the potential to affect performance and/or be a welfare risk to the horse.

The 2020 FEI Prohibited Substance List can be found HERE


FEI Prohibited Substance Database

The purpose of this database is to help PRs identify which substances are prohibited under the regulations. Information such as substance definition, common usage and common trade names are available. You must be aware that the list of trade names is not exhaustive, but it reflects the most popular trade names in certain countries. The trade names used may be different in your country therefore it is imperative you always use the database to check for active substances rather than trade names. Please be aware, if a substance has the same chemical structure or biological effect as a substance on the List, it is also prohibited just as if it were on the List.


The FEI Prohibited Substance Database is available HERE


Additional information on the HSI Equine Anti-Doping Programme is available on the HSI website HERE 


The HSI Veterinary Committee in full is:


·         The Chairperson of the Committee Dr Mary Flannery
·         The IRL FEI National Head Veterinarian Dr Dermot Forde
·         1 Veterinary Advisor (currently on the HSI EADCM Testing Panel) David McCann
·         1 Veterinary Advisor (currently holding the status of IHR Veterinary Advisor) Hugh Suffern
·         Senior Olympic High-Performance Team Veterinarian Marcus Swail
·         Chairperson of Showjumping Ireland Veterinary Committee Michael Hennessy
·         1 Veterinary Advisor nominated by Eventing Ireland & Dressage Ireland Rosalinda Deveraux


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