HSI Cross Country / Eventing course 15TH October 2013

  • 30 September 2013, 09:59

The next HSI Cross Country / Eventing course is scheduled for Tuesday 15th October 2013 at Grange Farm, Drunlargan, Kilcock, Co. Meath. The course will be delivered by HSI tutors Ian Fearon and Sally Corscadden and is aimed at providing coaches with the basic skills and techniques to coach cross country at novice level.

This course is a requirement for all coaches who wish to commence the HSI Level 2 Coach course which is scheduled for October. All HSI Level 1 Apprentice coaches who wish to avail of the HSI coach insurance policy must also have completed this course.

HSI Cross Country / Eventing Course

  • Tuesday 17th October 2013 – 9am to 5pm
  • Hattons Guesthouse and Grange Farm, Drumlargan, Kilcock, Co. Kildare
  • Cost €80

Please contact Catherine Farrell on 045 854512 or email [email protected] for further information.

Download an application form here

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