HSI Foal Championship Qualifier Results from CoilÓg Equestrian Centre
- 13 September 2019, 15:07
The Foal Championship aims to identify, evaluate and reward breeders who have bred a foal with the potential to be competitive at the highest level of showjumping or eventing disciplines.
The fifth HSI foal qualifier took place on Tuesday 10th September at the CoilÓg Equestrian Centre. This qualifier was judged by Jane Darragh and Diane Gibson (eventing foals), Ned Campion and Brendan Doyle (showjumping foals).
Horse Showjumping Foals
The horse foal showjumping section was won by Jerry Lenihan’s filly foal by Ganesh Hero Z (ZANG) out of Marissa B (ISH), by Radolin (KWPN).
The reserve was Kilmashogue Stud’s filly foal by Zirocco Blue VDL (SF) out of Pembrook Lisalea (ISH), by Lux Z (HANN).
Horse Eventing Foals
The horse foal eventing section was won by Patrick Wafer with a colt foal by Tyson (KWPN) out of Parkmore Evita (ISH), by Ghareeb (TB).
The reserve was Sarah Whiteside’s colt by Centrestage (AES) out of Pistazie (ZDP), by Paradiesvodel (WESTF).
Pony Showjumping Foals
The pony foal showjumping section was won by Denise Leavy’s colt foal by Moonlight Silver Shadow (CP) out of Benny’s Girl (CP), by Kilkea Island (CP).
The reserve was Jerry Lenihan’s filly by Celtic Hero B Z (ZANG) out of Rushaun Clover (ISH), by Moores Clover (ISH).
Pony Eventing Foals
The pony eventing section was won by Helen Troughton with a colt by Masurenfuerst (TRAK) out of Honeyhill Lady (CP), by Robe Earl (CP).
The reserve was Denise Leavy’s filly by Moonlight Silver Shadow (CP) out of Shruffance Girl (CP), by Moy Johnnys Pride (CP).
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