XC Training Clinics at Grange Farm XC on Dec 30th and Jan 7th

  • 8 December 2016, 14:25

X-C Training Days with Sally Corscadden HSI Level 3 Eventing Coach, 25 years International Experience.
4* Rider and Senior European Team Bronze Medallist . Manager and Coach for the Muliitple Medal Winning European Young Rider Teams.
Venue; Grange Farm XC, Drumlargan, Kilcock Co Meath
Open to All Levels of Rider and Horse from 4 year olds to 4* wishing to receive progressive X-country schooling in a safe environment.
Modern x-country riding requires control and accuracy, Grange Farm provides an opportunity to learn, practice and perfect these skills.
Groups of 4 training with Sally Corscadden, Team Ireland Young Rider Manger and HSI Level 3 Eventing Coach.
€40 per horse per session. Fee to be paid in full unless cancelled 48hrs before.

To apply please email Sally on [email protected] by 5pm on the 27th Dec for the first day and by 5pm 4th Jan for the second day.
Please state
Rider Category, Level your horse/pony is competing, and no. of horses/ponies

Times will be posted on Grange Farm XC Facebook page.
Limited stabling available at Grange Farm
If you require further information please contact Sally on 0864608051

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