Coach Insurance

All of us who live and work with horses know that they can be unpredictable and the consequences of this uncertainty can be both tragic and devastating. There can be no doubt that all coaches should take steps to protect themselves and their families against the consequences of an accident.

People often do not really consider insurance a necessity until they are in need of it and it is then too late! There is a misconception that if one does not have large assets they do not need to be insured as no one would gain financially from suing them. Everyone has assets, whether it is a car, a saddle, other equipment, or a future which could be disastrously affected.

The 2025 HSI Freelance Coach Insurance Policy is open to all HSI Coaches who have completed the HSI Level 1 Apprentice Coach course and above. As of 2022 the policy is open to British Horse Society (BHS) Accredited Coaches who are resident in Ireland. In order to avail of the policy BHS coaches must have a minimum qualification of BHS Stage 3 in Complete Horsemanship or UKCC Level 2 plus BHS Stage 3 Care and Ride.

This is a very comprehensive policy and is competitively priced at €460 from January (or date of purchase) to December 2025.

Please see the policy details for 2025 outlined in the documents below:

To avail of the 2025 HSI Freelance Coach Insurance Policy please click on the link below to complete your application and payment.

HSI Coaches IPID

CLICK HERE to complete the 2025 Application form

For more information on the HSI Freelance Coach Insurance policy, please contact the Coaching Department. email [email protected].