€20m Outdoor Recreation Infrastructure Scheme (ORIS) launched

  • 22 October 2024, 12:22

Minister Heather Humphreys announcing outdoor recreation funding

Horse Sport Ireland (HSI), as the equestrian representative on Comhairle na Tuaithe (Countryside Council), is delighted to see the launch of the ORIS fund for 2024/25.

The major €20million fund was announced by the Minister for Rural and Community Development, Heather Humphreys TD, and will support hundreds of outdoor recreation projects across the country.

The Outdoor Recreation Infrastructure Scheme (ORIS) 2024/25 provides funding to develop new and existing outdoor recreation infrastructure in rural areas.

The country’s natural facilities will be developed with it, such as mountains, lakes, rivers, beaches, blueways, bogs, forest walks and upland areas of Ireland.

HSI is supportive of the development of Equestrian Trails and has worked with Sport Ireland on the development of their Recreational Horse Trails Criteria for Ireland (https://www.sportireland.ie/sites/default/files/media/document/2021-12/criteria_horse.pdf).

HSI also supports the work being done in this space by Trec Trails Ireland (https://trectrailsireland.ie/).

At the launch of the 2024/25 scheme Minister Humphreys said: “I am delighted to launch the 2024/25 Outdoor Recreation Infrastructure Scheme.

“Since the launch of this scheme in 2016, over €129 million has been made available to support over 1,770 projects. The funding I am announcing will add to the amount planned for this project.

“Through ‘Go Outdoors’, the national outdoor recreation strategy, my Department is working to transform the outdoor recreation sector in Ireland.

“At the national outdoor recreation conference in Sligo earlier this year, I was really inspired by everyone’s enthusiasm and interest in the sector.

“It is clear that the outdoor recreation sector is going from strength to strength through our continued investment and through the work that is taking place on site.

“With this €20 million Fund now announced, we are well on the way to achieving my goal, which is to make the Irish Countryside a world-class destination for adventure tourism.”

Information on Comhairle na Tuaithe can be found here: https://www.gov.ie/en/campaigns/5e97d-comhairle-na-tuaithe-the-countryside-council/.