• 17 November 2021, 12:32

Horse Sport Ireland wish to alert all FEI athletes/stakeholders regarding the serious consequences of non-compliance with measures introduced to protect FEI horses and global equestrian sports from the Equine Herpes Virus (EHV-1).

An initial transitional and educational month HAS NOW EXPIRED and any future breaches of EHV-1 By-Laws will now result in serious sanctions from the FEI that include:

– elimination from the competition

– expulsion from the venue and placed in isolation

– horse blocked in the FEI Database for up to 1 month for future events

– athlete reported to FEI HQ for possible further disciplinary action

– fines of up to CHF 400

The EHV-1 By-Laws can be found here https://inside.fei.org/fei/ehv-1/by-laws/

The EHV-1 By-Law Sanctions can be found here https://inside.fei.org/fei/ehv-1/by-laws/sanctions

Information regarding the FEI HorseApp can be found here https://inside.fei.org/…/mobile-apps/%20fei_horseapp