2024 Safeguarding Officer Nomination Form

HSI Affiliate Safeguarding Officer Nominations 2024

Under the Children First Act 2015, Part 2. – Sect 11 (1.c) each Horse Sport Ireland Affiliate is required to nominate their Safeguarding Officers (Relevant Persons). Please instruct each officer to complete the below. If your Affiliate has appointed a Deputy NCO or DLP, please ensure they complete this form too.
Please select which HSI Affiliate you are a Safeguarding Officer for
Safeguarding Officer Role(Required)

Proof of Relevant Safeguarding

All Children's Officers are required to complete Safeguarding 1 & 2. All Designated Liaison persons are required to complete Safeguarding 1 & 3. Please enter the number of cert awarded to you in the relevant field below.
Please enter the Cert number from your Safeguarding 1 Course.
If applicable, Please enter the Cert number from your Safeguarding 2 Course.
If applicable, Please enter the Cert number from your Safeguarding 3 Course.

Data Protection Declaration

I understand that pursuant to the Data Protection Act 2018 and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) 2016, my consent is required for Horse Sport Ireland to process personal data which it may have in its possession concerning me including disclosure to third parties such as, but not limited to, Sport Ireland. Personal data collected on this form will be used by Horse Sport Ireland to retain a record of Affiliate National Safeguarding Officers and for communication on Safeguarding matters. I confirm that I have reviewed HSI’s Data Protection and Privacy policies (available at www.horsesportireland.ie or on request) and I note that HSI will only process my personal data for legitimate business purposes relating to the activities of Horse Sport Ireland and/or where required by law. All processing will have due regard to the DPA 2018 and GDPR 2016. I note that this personal data may include sensitive personal data, as defined within the DPA and GDPR, the processing of which requires my explicit consent. I note that HSI will honour my rights and freedoms at all times, including my rights as a data subject, as long as there is no other overriding law which limits those privileges. By submitting this form I consent to the processing of any information relating to me, either contained in this form or otherwise, for the purpose of fulfilling my role as a National Safeguarding Officer 2024 for my named Affiliate.
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.