In 2001, Liam Connellan former President of the RDS produced a report setting out the principles on which a new body would be created. This followed widespread consultation. The fundamental rationale behind the proposal was the bringing together of Equestrian sport and breeding into one body.
Michael Dowling the former Secretary General of the Department of Agriculture was subsequently appointed by the Departments’ of Sport and Agriculture to produce an implementation plan. His report was completed in mid 2006 and in December 2006 Horse Sport Ireland was set up.
Joe Walsh was appointed as Horse Sport Ireland’s first Chairman.
During 2007 the organisation recruited a CEO and Management Team and the Staff of the Irish Horse Board and the Equestrian Federation of Ireland transferred to Horse Sport Ireland.
On January 1st, 2008, the organisation became the Governing Body for equestrian sport in Ireland (32 counties) as recognised by the International Governing Body (FEI), The Irish Sports Council and the Olympic Council of Ireland (OCI).
In July 2008, the Department of Agriculture transferred responsibility for maintaining the Irish Horse Register to Horse Sport Ireland following a Special General Meeting of the Irish Horse Board.
In 2010 the organisation was formally recognised as the Governing Body for equestrian sport by Sport Northern Ireland.