IHR Passport fees
The following fees are for 2024 and are exclusive of VAT at 23%.
Registration process fees: | FEE |
Initial Registration of Foals up to 31st August * | €120 |
Initial Registration of Foals up to 31st August including Naming * | €130 |
Initial Registration of Foals after 31st August * | €140 |
Initial Registration of Foals after 31st August * including Naming * | €150 |
Initial Registration of a yearling including DNA typing with or without Naming * | €300 |
Initial Registration of animals 2-Y-O & older including DNA typing + Naming * | €360 |
To add pedigree to an existing passport where the animal has not already been DNA typed | €310 |
Identification Document / Non-Pedigree Passports | €50 |
Registration of Donkeys | €33 |
Change of Ownership | €40 |
Duplicate / Replacement passport. | €150 |
First time Naming and Name Change | €80 |
Passport Amendment (Updates to colour, sex, address, microchip, updating pedigree) | €15 |
Prefix registration | €65 |
Passport Endorsement and Import Notification | €50 |
Urgent Fee: 1 day turnaround (not applicable for new pedigree passports). Price in addition to service fee | €121.95 |
MS DNA Testing | €31.50 |
(Payable in addition to registration fees) | |
Fixed Charge Tracked Delivery Ireland | €12 |
Fixed Charge Tracked Delivery Outside Ireland | €16 |
* A 50% discount will be applied to every fifth registration for foal and adult pedigree passports | |
HSI Registrations Unit office hours:
- Open to the public from 9am to 5pm (Monday to Friday)
- The phone line is open from 9am to 4.30pm (Monday to Friday), with the exception of Wednesday when we open at 09.30 to facilitate staff training.
- Please note the phone lines will be closed from 1pm to 2pm for lunch – 045 850800
- For urgent registrations applications must be lodged by 11am with the HSI Registration Unit.