Mounted Games


Mounted Games is a discipline where a range of fast games, often completed by teams, are played by people of all ages on ponies. The ponies must be 15 hands (152cm) or smaller.

Mounted Games riders require a high degree of athletic ability, good riding skills, hand-to-eye coordination, determination, perseverance, and a competitive spirit. Ability to work well as a team and a willingness to help one another is also very important.

International events are overseen by the International Mounted Games Association. The Association was formed in  2003 and now has members in twenty two countries on five continents

The sport is administered in Ireland by the Mounted Games Association of Ireland. National competitions take place around Ireland throughout the year, further details can be found on the Mounted Games Association of Ireland website.

MGAIMounted Games Association of Ireland (MGAI), c/o Eilidh Hyland, Monasterevin, Co. Kildare.

Email: [email protected]
Contact: Eilidh Hyland, Secretary