Carriage Driving Section of HSI Submission Form

Carriage Driving WhatsApp Group Permission

This form is for Carriage Driving Section of HSI members to request to be added to a WhatsApp list to receive information on events and activities related to Carriage Driving.

Carriage Driving Section of HSI Whats App Group

The Committee for Carriage Driving would like to set up a Whats App Group to share information on events and activities related to Carriage Driving Ireland. If you are interested in being added to the group and receiving this information, please complete the form below. Please note that you are free to leave the WhatsApp Group at any stage.
Please provide the number you wish to be added to the Whats App group. This will be checked against previously submitted details.

Data Protection

I understand that pursuant to the Data Protection Act 2018 and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) 2016, my consent is required for Horse Sport Ireland to process personal data which it may have in its possession concerning me, or if applicable my child, including disclosure to third parties such as, but not limited to, the HSI Sports Department Administrators, the insurance company who provides cover for the Carriage Driving programme and Organising Committees at Carriage Driving events. I confirm that I have reviewed Horse Sport Ireland’s Data Protection and Privacy policies (available at or on request) and I note that Horse Sport Ireland will only process my personal data and, if applicable the personal data of my child, for legitimate business purposes relating to the Carriage Driving Programme 2022 and/or where required by law. All processing will have due regard to the DPA 2018 and GDPR 2016. I note that this personal data may include sensitive personal data, as defined within the DPA and GDPR, the processing of which requires my explicit consent. I note that Horse Sport Ireland will honour my rights and freedoms and if applicable the rights and freedoms of my child, at all times, including my and if applicable my child's rights as a data subject, as long as there is no other overriding law which limits those privileges. By confirming the submission below, I consent to the processing of any information relating to me, either contained in this form or otherwise, for the purpose of communicating information relating to Horse Sport Ireland’s Carriage Driving Programme 2022.
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.