Horse Sport Ireland Mare Selections 2016

  • 14 April 2016, 09:25

Important Reminder:

Please return all your entries for the HSI mare Inspections by Friday the 15th April 2016 to have your mare classified.

  • By having your mare continental bred mare inspected in the Irish Sport Horse studbook, she will be eligible to compete in the RDS show jumping qualifiers. Such a mare will also be classified with the ISH studbook should you wish to breed form her in the future.
  • By having both Irish Sport Horse and Irish Draught horse mares inspected this spring your mares will also met the requirements for the Department of Agriculture’s Knowledge Transfer scheme (Equine Discussion Groups).

Please contact Antonette Doran at [email protected] or (045) 854 508 for further details.

CLICK HERE for a Mare Selection Application Form

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