HSI Young Handler Regional Championship Winners from Roscommon Agricultural Show
- 20 August 2019, 15:13
Horse Sport Ireland held the Region 5 Young Handler Championship Qualifier on the 17th of August at the Roscommon Agricultural Show. The young handler series aims to promote Breeding and Production amongst the next generation of Irish producers, supporting the development of skills required to present and prepare horses for sale.
The winner of the senior section was Melissa Glynn, presenting her Irish Sport horse, ‘Stuck in a Moment’. Glynn has been involved in the young breeders scheme run by Horse Sport Ireland and told us how this inspired her to engage with the HSI schemes and competitions available for aspiring breeders.
“The HSI young breeders programme was a wonderful experience so I decided to compete in the young handler series. The training days with young breeders on top of my triangle and open stance work at home have really helped. My brother was last year’s overall winner so I learnt a lot from him too!”

Senior section winner, Melissa Glynn and Stuck in a Moment (ISH) with judges Phillip Scott and George O’Malley
Photo: Alison Corbally
The winner of the junior section was Alanna Glynn showing Catriona Glynn’s British Riding Pony ‘Yealand Pilgrim’. Alanna discovered the young handler series through Horse Sport Ireland’s Social media channels last year and was eager to compete in the series this year.
“I set up a triangle and spent a lot of time practising at home. I think the feedback from the Judges is really important – I like that the judges go through your score sheet following the competition. I am going to use their comments to improve my skills to prepare for the final.”
The judges, George O’Malley and Phillip Scott, scored the handlers under the following categories: Control of their horse/pony; Skills in Showing; Courtesy and Sportsmanship; Horse/pony turnout; Handler turnout and Research and knowledge of horses.
The last young handler championship qualifier will take place in Clarecastle, Co. Clare, Saturday the 31st August. The top three placings in each section will advance to the final at the National Ploughing Championships 17th September 2019, where champions will receive €1000 respectively. Additionally, the senior winner will be awarded a week stay at a top Irish riding and producing yard and the junior winner will receive a family pass to the Horse of the Year Show 2019. Click here to see the dates for the remaining qualifiers and for information packs on how to prepare for the class.
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