Irish Sport Horses take Lincolnshire by storm with 4 First places in the top classes
- 16 March 2024, 12:21
A TIH bred by James Hickey takes first place in the 7 year old Open Preliminary in the USA. In Carolina 25% of Top 10 finishers in the CCIs were Irish bred and in Ocala, the results are full of Irish Sport Horses
See below more of the International Eventing Results
Lincolnshire One Day Event (GBR) 15th – 17th March 2024
Advanced Intermediate Sec V
1st Action LadyM (ISH) – 2014 mare by Plot Blue (KWPN) out of Action G (HOLST) by Acorado (HOLST). Breeder: Susanne Macken. Rider: Sarah Ennis (IRL) 33.3, 0, 14.4 = 47.7
2nd Romantic (ISH) – 2012 mare by Cevin Z (ZANG) out of Polly Teapot [ISH] by The Carnival (ISH)[TIH]. Breeder: Andy Sheehy (Limerick). Rider: Rosie Bradley-Hole GBR) 34.0, 4, 12.4 = 50.4
3rd Grantstown Jackson (ISH)[TIH] – 2011 gelding by Clover Brigade (ISH)[TIH] out of Winning Lass (TB) by Right Win (TB)[IRL]. Breeder: Caroline Widger. Rider: Sarah Ennis (IRL) 36.6, 0, 18.0 = 54.6
4th Benedict Dalton Radau (ISH) – 2012 gelding by Tabasco Van Erpekom (BEWP) out of Tipperary Belle (TB) by Humbel (TB). Breeder: Messrs Curtin & Hughes (Tipperary). Rider: Anne Mackley (GBR) 37.3, 12, 6.4 = 55.7.
Open Intermediate Sec P
1st Arklow Puissance (ISH)[TIH] – 2011 gelding by Puissance (ISH)[TIH] out of Cruising Jewel (ISH)[TIH] by Cruising (ISH)[TIH]. Breeder: Michael Byrne (Wicklow). Rider: Wills Oakden (GBR) 30.7, 0, 4.0 = 34.7
2nd LEB Lias Jewel (ISH) – 2010 mare by Limmerick (HOLST) out of Leb Liath (ISH)[TIH] by Colin Diamond (ISH)[TIH]. Breeder: Jo Breheny (Waterford). Rider: Jonelle Price (NZL) 30.2, 0, 12.4 = 42.6
3rd Cornasaus Lad (unk) – 2008 gelding by Imperial Heights (ISH)[TIH] out of Cornasaus Lady (unk). Breeder: Amanda Vogan (Cavan). Rider: Keeva Johnson (GBR) 30.2, 4, 13.2 = 47.4
8th Arise Cavalier (ISH) – 2009 gelding by Cavalier Two For Joy (ISH) out of Lecklin Light (HANN) by Wandervogel (HANN). Breeder: Diarmaid Considine (Meath). Rider: Rosie Bradley-Hole (GBR) 25.9, 0, 50.8 = 76.7.
Open Intermediate Sec Q
1st Lissyegan Mikie Lou (ISH) – 2009 gelding by Luidam (KWPN) out of Lady Persian (ISH)[TIH] by Royal Persian (TB). Breeder: Michael Healy. Rider: Lewis McLean (GBR) 33.4, 0, 4.0 = 37.4
3rd Balladeer Just for Kicks (ISH) – 2015 gelding by Shannondale Sarco St Ghyvan (BEWB) out of Coevers Lady (ISH)[TIH] by Coevers Diamond Boy [ISH]. Breeder: Brian Buckley (Cork). Rider: Ellie Healy (GBR) 33.2, 0, 14.4 = 47.4
6th Cover Girl Cooley (ISH) – 2011 mare by Cardento (HOLST) out of Bedazzled Ella (ISH) by Heritage Fortunus (HANN). Breeder: Messrs Doyle & Hughes (Wexford). Rider: Emily Orpwood (GBR) 35.7, 0, 15.2 = 50.9
7th Youve got the Lux (ISH) – 2011 mare by Lux Z (HANN) out of Valeska (ISH). Breeder: Jane Darragh (Kilkenny). Rider: Hayden Hankey (GBR) 32.5, 4, 15.6 = 52.1
8th Speedwell (ISH)[was MGH Natrix] – 2014 gelding by Cobra (HOLST) out of Me Two [ISH] by Warrenstown You 2 [ISH]. Breeder: Ronan Tynan (Kilkenny). Rider: Georgie Campbell (GBR) 35.0, 0, 17.6 = 52.6.
Open Intermediate Sec R
1st Clonshire On Trend (ISH) – 2015 gelding by Future Trend (OLD) out of Silver Diamond Beauty [ISH] by Glidawn Diamond (ID). Breeder: Michael Dillane (Kerry). Rider: Heidi Coy (GBR) 36.1, 0, 7.6 = 43.7
2nd Piltown Concorde (ISH) – 2016 gelding by Royal Concord (ISH) out of Piltown Flighty (ISH) by Errigal Flight (ISH)[TIH]. Breeder: Patrick Doddy. Rider: Lizzie Baugh (GBR) 28.2, 0, 15.6 = 43.8
4th Fools in Love (ISH) – 2013 gelding by Harlequin du Carel (SF) out of Tisrara Cruise (ISH)[TIH] by Cruising (ISH)[TIH] Breeder: John Kelly (Roscommon). Rider: Hayden Hankey (GBR) 36.6, 0, 10.0 = 46.6
6th MGH Bingo Boy (unk) – 2008 gelding OIO. Rider: Nicky Hill (GBR) 34.3, 0, 18.4 = 52.7#
8th BGS Lux Electric (ISH) – 2014 gelding by BGS Electric Line (TB)[IRL] out of Ballygrangans Lux (ISH) by Lux Z (HANN). Breeder: Patrick Byrne (Wexford). Rider: Emily Philp (GBR) 36.8, 4, 19.6 = 60.4
10th Keep It Cooley (ISH) – 2015 gelding by Ramirio B (BWP) out of Rathlin Imp (ISH)[TIH] by Master Imp (TB). Breeder: Georgina Plilips (Wicklow). Rider: Wills Oakden (GBR) 36.4, 8, 20.0 = 64.4.
Open Intermediate Sec S
4th Cooley Lafitte (ISH)[was Kilcorig Je Taime] – 2012 gelding by Je T’aime Flamenco (BWP) out of Graf Shenanigans (ISH) by Scirocco D’Elle (ENCI). Breeder: Nigel Jackson (Antrim). Rider: Jesse Campbell (NZL) 29.8, 8, 19.2 = 57.0
5th Up Up And Away (ISH) – 2006 gelding by Puissance (ISH)[TIH] out of Coolmore Frolic (ISH) by Paris Lights (SF). Breeder: Marie Creighton (Kildare). Rider: Grace Botherall (GBR) 35.0, 0, 23.2 = 58.2
6th Kiltar OBOS (ISH) – 2010 gelding by OBOS Quality 004 (OLD) out of Photo Finish (P)(ISH)[TIH] by Hallodri (TB). Breeder: John Costello (Kerry). Rider: Olivia Henson (GBR) 34.1, 8, 16.8 = 58.9
7th Fernhill Kankan (unk) – 2015 mare OIO. Rider: Jonelle Price (NZL) 32.3, 0, 28.0 = 60.3
8th Wil Jack B King (ISH) – 2011 gelding by Jack of Diamonds (SWB) out of Diamonds Double [ISH] by Ceredigion (TB). Breeder: Mary McCarthy (Cork). Rider: Charlotte Parry-Ashcroft (GBR) 30.7, 4, 28.8 = 63.5
9th Highly Suspicious (ISH)[was Seriously Cooley & Seriously Dassett] – 2010 gelding by Russel (HOLST) out of Cruisings Girl (ISH)[TIH] by Cruising (ISH)[TIH]. Breeder: Eamon Kenny. Rider: Cosby Green (GBR) 33.2, 0, 31.6 = 64.8
10th Baskin Cappachino (ISH) – 2014 gelding by Future Trend (OLD) out of Baskin Wuthering Heights (ISH) by Chacoa (HOLST). Breeder: Cleo Watson (Dublin). Rider: Emelia Petchell (GBR) 32.3, 16, 18.0 = 66.3.
Intermediate Sec T
2nd Loughton Diamond (ISH) – 2015 mare buy Diarado (HOLST) out of Loughton Pearl (ISH)[TIH] by Cruising (ISH)[TIH]. Breeder: John Troy. Rider: Emilie Chandler (GBR) 26.1, 0, 14.0 = 40.1
3rd Mr Grey (ISH) – 2015 gelding by King of Mourne (ID) out of Dechomet Golden Clover (ISH) by Sheyenne Clover (ISH). Breeder: George Sinnerton. Rider: Charlotte Donald (GBR) 32.3, 0, 9.6 = 41.9
7th Wicklow Into Orbit (ISH) – 2014 gelding by OBOS Quality (OLD ) out of Ricardos Trump (ISH) by Ricardo Z (ZANG). Breeder: Michael Byrne (Wicklow). Rider: Lucy Richards (GBR) 34.8, 4, 24.0 = 62.8
9th Larav Gold Star (ISH) – 2014 gelding by Tinarana Goldwave (HANN) out of Larav Alley Kan (ISH)[TIH] by Kahtan (TB). Breeder: Yana Verling. Rider: Ibby MacPherson (GBR) 35.9, 12, 38.4 = 86.3
10th Stillbrook Donie (ISH) – 2014 gelding by Flaming Feather (TB) out of Stillbrook Vanessa (ISH) by Vincenzo Vant Merelsnest (BWP). Breeder: David Wallis (Laois). Rider: Katie Patrick (GBR) 34.8, 8, 48.8 = 91.6.
Intermediate Sec U
1st KEC Landstriker (ISH) – 2010 gelding by Lancelot (KWPN) out of KEC Scannells Malty (ISH) by Maltstriker (KWPN). Breeder: Anna Kennedy (Kerry). Rider: Elizabeth Walker (GBR) 25.9, 4, 16.0 = 45.9
3rd Cecelia Cobra (ISH) – 2016 gelding by Cobra 18 (WEWB) out of Cecelia Woudina (ISH) by Porsch (BWP). Breeder: James Rogan (Dublin). Rider: Tom McEwen (GBR) 31.6, 0, 18.8 = 50.4
4th Rochdan Flex (ISH) – 2014 mare by Flex A Bill (ISH)[TIH] out of Where Ever When Ever (ISH) by Calvero (HOLST). Breeder: Peter Diamond (Mayo). Rider: Emily Philp (GBR) 36.6, 4, 12.8 = 53.4
Intermediate Novice Sec L
1st Frankfort Pointllexi (ISH) – 2016 mare by Pointilliste (TB) out of CHS Lexi [ISH} by Clover Brigade (ISH)[TIH]. Breeder: Norman Kearney (Wexford). Rider: Lucinda Alexander (GBR) 29.8, 1, 0.0 = 30.8
6th Tullibards Dont Tell Mum (ISH) – 2014 mare by Tullibards Bennys Legacy (OLD) out of Tullybards Somanyquestions (HANN) by Grandeur (HANN). Breeder: Hans Jurgens Kuehnle (Laois). Rider: Sonya Cunningham (GBR) 40.0, 6, 0.0 = 46.0
8th Greenfort Marbridge (ISH)[TIH][was Marbridge Little Master] – 2009 gelding by Master Imp (TB) out of Marbridge Lady (ISH)[TIH] by Laughtons Flight (ISH)[TIH]. Breeder: Brigid Fenlon (Carloe). Rider: Alice Watt (GBR) 37.1, 7, 38.8 = 82.9.
Open Novice Sec H
5th Shades of Sligo II (ISH) – 2017 gelding by Sligo Candy Boy (ISH) out of Bouncing Molly (ISH) by Grange Bouncer (ID). Breeder: Martin Kenirons, Rider: Max Gordon (GBR) 31.3, 0, 0.4 = 31.7
9th Tax Break (ISH) – 2011 gelding by Cobra (HOLST) out of Kilnamac Sally (ISH)[TIH] by Clover Hill (ID). Breeder: James J Ryan (Tipperary). Rider: Alice Picton-Jones (GBR) 34.5, 0, 0.0 = 34.5.
Open Novice Sec J
1st Altitu (ISH) – 2015 gelding by Orestus (KWPN) out of Happy Choice (SWB) by Aram (KWPN). Breeder: Seamus Carew (Tipperary). Rider: Patrick Whelan (IRL) 23.0, 0, 0.0 = 23.0
3rd Ballyfree Kannalier (ISH) – 2015 gelding by Kannan (KWPN) out of Chair Cavalier (ISH) by Cavalier Royale (HOLST). Breeder: Derek Jennings (Sligo) Rider: Richard Jones (GBR) 27.3, 0, 0.0 = 27.3
10th Boleybawn Lecrae (ISH) – 2015 gelding by Bolybawn Ectasy (ISH) out of Boleybawn Luxella (ISH) by Lux Z (HANN). Breeder: Ronan Rothwell (Wicklow). Rider: Sam Ecroyd (GBR) 27.5, 4, 0.0 = 31.5.
Open Novice Under 18 Sec K
2nd Hawksworth [ISH] – 2013 gelding by Loch Cruise [ISH] out of Heros Socks [ISH] by Cult Hero (TB). Breeder: Michael Byrne (Wicklow). Rider: George Howard (GBR) 33.3, 0, 0.0 = 33.3
4th Jennys Quality (ISH) – 2014 mare by OBOS Quality 004 (OLD) out of Jenny Gee (ISH)[TIH] by Puissance (ISH)[TIH]. Breeder: Hilary Furlonger. Rider: Florence Ashmore (GBR) 36.3, 0, 0.0 = 36.3
6th Currabawn Thomas (unk) – 2010 gelding OIO. Rider: Isabella Sanford (GBR) 37.0, 0, 0.0 = 37.0
10th Cooley On The Cards (ISH)[was MMG Way Back When] – 2013 mare by Sligo Candy Boy [ISH] out of MMG Showtime (ISH) by Couage II (HOLST). Breeder: Michael McGuinness (Mayo). Rider: Charlotte Cooke (GBR) 34.8, 0, 3.6 = 38.4.
Novice Sec G
1st Chica Naika (ISH) – 2017 mare by S Creevahg Ferro Ex Siebe (KWPN) out of Chica Rubia 0000 (OLD) by Couleur Fubin (OLD). Breeder: Robert Woods. Rider: Emily Young-Jamieson (GBR) 36.5, 0, 0.0 = 26.5
5th Shannondale Arnold (ISH) – 2017 gelding by Hannibal V Overis Z (ZANG) out of Shannondale One (ISH) by Shannondale Sarco St Ghyvan (BWP). Breeder: Michael Walsh. Rider: Tom McEwen (GBR) 31.8, 0, 2.4 = 34.2
6th MBF Barrington Hero (ISH)[was MBF Celtic Claddagh] – 2017 gelding by Celtic Hero Z (ZANG) out of Janis B (ISH) by Radolin (KWPN). Breeder: Etter Sportpferde AG. Rider: Johnny Hornby (GBR) 35.3, 0, 0.0 = 35.3
7th Graf Crusoe (ISH) – 2012 gelding by Ringfort Cruise (ISH) out of Lough Hyne (TB) by Classic Cliche (TB)[IRL]. Breeder: Brian Livingstone. Rider: Zennor Harvey (GBR) 32.8, 3, 0.0 = 35.8
8th Cooley Master Mischief (ISH) – 2017 gelding by Chacoa (HOLST) out of Fruitition Flame (TB) by Charente River (TB). Breeder: Joe & Danielle Lillis. Rider: Wills Oakden (GBR) 32.3, 0, 3.6 = 35.9.
Novice Sec I
10th Manjushri (ISH)[was Candy Classic] – 2017 gelding by Sligo Candy Boy (ISH) out of Ramiro in the Air (ISH) by Ramiro B (BWP). Breeder: Michael Burke. Rider: Alex Hua Tian (CHI) 27.5, 0, 11.2 = 38.7.
Novice Sec E
2nd Barrington Candy Girl (ISH) – 2017 mare by Sligo Candy Boy (ISH) out of Frenchfort Black Beauty (ISH)[TIH] by Loughehoe Guy (ISH)[TIH] . Breeder: Maryin Murphy. Rider: Izzy Taylor (GBR) 30.0, 0, 0.0 = 30.0
5th Loughnatousa Fred (ISH) – 2017 gelding by OBOS Quality (OLD) out of Nash Mint (ISH)[TIH] by Nash Me (TB)[IRL]. Breeder: Noel O’Shea. Rider: Bella Innes Ker (GBR) 31.3, 0, 0.0 = 31.3
10th Bullards Fine Gin (ISH)[TIH] – 2015 gelding by Arthurs Gold (ID) out of Innishannon Shamrock (ISH) by Rantis Diamond (ISH). Breeder: Susan Macdonald. Rider: Philippa Cross (GBR) 34.8, 4, 3.2 = 42.0.
Novice Sec F
1st Barrington Boy (ISH) [was Ceide Lucky Candy] – 2018 gelding by Sligo Candy Boy (ISH) out of Watermill Diamond (ISH)[TIH] by Watermill Swatch (TB). Breeder: Mary Walsh. Rider: Izzy Taylor (GBR) 25.25.8, 4, 0.0 = 29.8
3rd Rustino (ISH) – 2017 gelding by Quantino (HOLST) out of Russel Cruis (ISH) by Ruissel (HOLST). Breeder: Donnacha Dermody. Rider: Lucy Stimson (GBR) 27.8, 4, 1.5 = 33.4
4th Ballustree Master Flight (ISH)[TIH] – 2016 gelding by Golden Master (TB)[IRL] out of Willow Flight (ISH)[TIH] by Laughtons Flight (ISH)[TIH]. Breeder: Noel Walsh (Carlow). Rider: Pauline Herbert (GBR) 34.8, 0, 0.0 = 34.8
9th Calico Bay [ISH] – 2009 mare by Barrow Hill Clover [ISH] out of Alright Lady (TB) by Corruge (TB). Breeder: Francis Gethings (Wexford). Rider: Jenny MacRitchie (GBR) 34.5, 4, 0.0 = 41.5.
Novice Sec W
3rd Claddagh Ohio Sebastian (ISH) – 2018 gelding by Kroongraaf (KWPN) out of Emerald Light (ISH) by ARD Ohio (KWPN). Breeder: Emma Jean Kavanagh. Rider: Tom Bird (GBR) 35.3, 4, 3.6 = 42.9
4th Ramiro Wannabe (ISH) – 2017 gelding by Ramiro B (BWP) out of Churchgate Little Miss Muffet (ISH)[TIH] by Kildalton King (ID). Caroline Jenks. Rider: Finn Healy (GBR) 38.3, 4, 4.4 = 46.7.
Ocala Winter II Horse Trials (USA) 15th – 17th March 2024
Advanced / Intermediate
2nd Hot Bobo (ISH) – 2013 gelding by VDL Arkansas (KWPN) out of Taneys Leader (TB) by Supreme Leader (TB). Breeder: Emma Phelan (Dublin). Rider: Karl Slezak (CAN) 34.6, 4, 12.4 = 51.0
4th Carrabeg Hulla Balou (ISH) – 2015 gelding by Balou du Rouet (OLD) out of Vella Flavour (ISH)[TIH] by Ballinvella (TB). Breeder: Joe Howley (Mayo). Rider: Michael Nolan (IRL)35.7, 0.4, 48.4 = 84.5.
Open Intermediate
4th Fernhill One Too Many (ISH)[was MBF One To Many] – 2015 gelding by Harlequin du Carel (SF) out of Garrouse (ISH) by Master Imp (TB). Breeder: Valerie Fogarty. Rider: Anna Loschiavo (USA) 37.7, 0, 6.4 = 44.1.
Open Intermediate One Day
5th Cooley Candyman [ISH][was Tempo Candy Hill] – 2013 gelding by Sligo Candy Boy [ISH] out of Dashing Hill [ISH] by FlameHill [ISH]. Breeder: Thomas Anthony Jones (Sligo). Rider: Bruce Davidson Jnr (USA) 28.0, 0, 12.4 = 40.4.
Intermediate Rider
5th Cooley Starship (ISH) – 2015 gelding by Cobra (HOLST) out of Simona (SWB) by Leuthen 1 (HOLST). Breeder: Tom Moloney (Kilkenny). Rider: Harper Padgett (USA) 33.6, 0, 24.8 = 58.4
Open Preliminary
5th Tullibards Twist and Turns (ISH) – 2011 gelding by Cobra (HOLST) out of Rathnure Gem (ISH)[TIH] by Grange Bouncer (ID). Breeder: William Masterson (Wexford). Rider: Cristina Barbour (CAN) 33.1, 4, 6.0 = 43.1
6th Royal Oak (unk) – 2010 gelding OIO by Ballintogher Leo (ISH). Rider: Cristina Barbour (CAN) 34.5, 8, 4.4 = 46.9
7th Rock Jennings (ISH)[TIH] – 2016 gelding by Tajraasi (TB) out of Miss Goatenbridge (ISH)[TIH] by Crosstown Dancer (ID). Breeder: James Carey. Rider: Micheal Nolan (IRL) 30.5, 4, 12.4 = 46.9
10th SBT Barolo (ISH)[was CSF High on Life] – 2010 gelding by Loughehoe Guy (ISH)[TIH] out of Tentore Flight (AES)(P) by Carrolls Flight (AES). Breeder: Brian Connolly (Galway). Rider: Robin Walker (USA) 29.3, 0, 24.4 = 53.7.
Open Preliminary One Day A
3rd Carrigshawn HFS (ISH)[was Carrigshaw Quincy] – 2016 mare by Quantino (HOLST) out of Carrigshawn Lucy (ISH) by Olympic Lux (KWPN). Breeder: John Warner. Rider: Alyssa Phillips (USA) 28.8, 0, 0.0 = 28.8
Open Preliminary One Day B
4th Global BGK (ISH)[TIH][was BGK Ditto] – 2015 gelding by Carrick Diamond Lad (ISH)[TIH] out of Shanbo Impel (ISH)[TIH] by Master Imp (TB). Breeder: Shanbo Stud. Rider: Megan Edwards (USA) 31.4, 0, 4.8 = 36.2
9th Traditionally Fernhill (ISH)[TIH][was Ken Black & Fernhill Ken Black) – 2014 gelding by Killinick Bouncer (ID) out of Church Lady (TB) by Snurge (TB). Breeder: Michael J Kavanagh (Wexford). Rider: Gabby Dickerson (USA) 35.2, 4, 4.8 = 44.0
10th Lisdara Bravo (ISH)[was Fernhill Bravo] – 2014 gelding by an unrecorded sire out of Lisdara Impish Lady (ISH)[TIH] by Master Imp (TB). Breeder: Grainne Gormley. Rider: Heather Navarrete (USA) 34.8, 0, 12.8 = 47.6.
Open Preliminary 7yo
1st Ballyneety Soldier (ISH)[TIH][was Heavy Inputs] – 2017 gelding by Crafty Call (ISH)[TIH] out of Salt Lake City (ISH)[TIH] by Yeats (ISH)[TIH]. Breeder: James Hickey. Rider: Kelly Prather (USA) 21.4, 0, 6.8 = 28.2
3rd SF Sportsfield Rising Star (ISH)[TIH] – 2017 gelding by Golden Master (TB)[IRL] out of Oldyard Daisy (ISH)[TIH] by Ghareeb (TB). Breeder: Michael Doyle. Rider: Joe Meyer (NZL) 31.0, 4, 16.0 = 51.0
4th Ballygriffin Crossfield Cara (ISH) – 2017 mare by OBOS Quality 004 (OLD) out of Crossfield Lass (ISH) by High Roller (ISH). Breeder: Martin Crowley. Rider: Joe Meyer (NZL) 29.1, 10.8, 22.8 = 62.7.
Preliminary Horse
3rd HSH Redfield Poynstown Marshall (ISH)[was Poynstown Marshal] – 2016 gelding by Future Trend (OLD) out of Poynstown Queen (ISH) by Olympic Lux (KWPN). Breeder: Paula Widger (Waterford). Rider: Rebecca Hoos (USA) 34.8, 4, 0.8 = 39.6
6th Fernhill Queen Bee (ISH)[was Nectarine] – 2016 mare by Tolan R (KWPN) out of Brookhall Lady (ISH) by Touchdown (ISH). Breeder: Judith McClennand. Rider: Jade Anderson (USA) 40.5, 0, 18.5 = 58.9.
Preliminary Rider A
3rd Fernhill Locklann (ISH)[was Fernhill Fifty Shades] – OBOS Quality 004 (OLD) out of Cottage Cavalier (ISH) by Don Juan de la Bouverie (SBS). Breeder: Thomas Hutchinson. Rider: Janna Scholtz (USA) 31.7, 0, 1.6 = 33.3
6th Fernhill Malito Park (ISH)[was KHH Malito Park] – 2017 gelding by Malito de Reve (SF) out of HHS Central Park (ISH) by Don Juan de la Bouverie (SBS). Breeder: Sarah Crosbie & Brendan McArdle. Rider: Jade Anderson (USA) 30.5, 4, 5.6 = 40.1
7th Chesterfield Willpower (ISH) – 2014 gelding by Puissance (ISH)[TIH] out of Swift Miss Curtis (unk). Breeder: Michael & Mary Kelly. Rider: Lara Roberts (USA) 31.7, 4, 15.6 = 51.3.
Preliminary Rider B
2nd Ardeo Lord Lancelot (ISH)[was Oldstone Lord of Lisray] – 2014 gelding by Lancelot (KWPN) out of Little Lou (OLD) by Landfriese (OLD). Breeder: John McNiece (Antrim). Rider: Eileen Galoostian (USA) 27.1, 4, 0.0 = 31.1
3rd Monbeg Capricorn (ISH)[was Be Capricorn] – 2016 gelding by Capri Van Overis Z (ZANG) out of ESI Lady (ISH) by Guidam (SF). Breeder: Catherine Curran. Rider: Lauren Hoover (USA) 24.8, 4, 3.2 = 32.0
5th Fernhill Focus Maxi (ISH)[was BSI Focus Maximus] – 2013 gelding by Candillo Z (HOLST) out of Stay Focused (ISH) by ARD VDL Douglas (KWPN). Breeder: Michael Buckley (Waterford). Rider: Jake Tessler (USA) 32.6, 4, 0.0 = 36.6
7th Callan Quinto (ISH)[TIH] – 2005 gelding by Quinto Fabio (TB) out of Callan Clover (ISH)[TIH] by Coolcaum Hill (ID). Breeder: John Young (Kilkenny). Rider: Claudia Sarnoff (USA) 33.6, 12, 0.0 = 45.6.
Open Modified
1st CSF Dassett Decoy (ISH)[was CSF Cruz Delle] – 2013 gelding by Flipper D’Elle (SF) out of CSF Doorn Cruise [ISH] by Cruising (ISH)[TIH]. Breeder: Patrick Connolly (Galway). Rider: Sylvia Bayars (USA) 26.7, 0, 2.0 = 28.7
8th Crazy Trend (ISH)[was Griffanisthefuture] – 2014 mare by Future Trend (OLD) out of Fanningstown Maid (ISH) by Alibero (OLD). Breeder: Richard Barron Jnr. Rider: Kathryn Surasky (USA) 32.4, 4, 2.0 = 38.4.
Open Modified One Day
4th Assagart Earl (ISH)[TIH] – 2016 gelding by Golden Master (TB) out of Assagart Sapphire (ISH)[TIH] by Flagmount Diamond (ID). Breeder: Mary Margaret Roche. Rider: Gabby Dickerson (USA) 32.1, 0, 0.4 = 32.5
5th Cooley Renegade (ISH) [was Georgio Raco] – 2011 gelding by Shannondale Sarco St Ghyvan (BEWB) out of Lisglassick Just the Point (ISH)[TIH] by Moot Point (TB). Breeder: George O’Malley (Longford). Rider: Lacey Ogden (USA) 28.8, 4, 0.0 = 32.8
6th Rehy Investor (ISH) – 2014 gelding by Orestu (KWPN) out of Graigueahesia Jewel (ISH)[TIH] by Rimilis (TB). Breeder: Thomas Breen. Rider: Avery Tallman (USA) 33.3, 0, 0.0 = 33.3.
Carolina International (USA) 14th – 17th March 2024
CCI 4* Short
2nd HSH Blake (ISH)[was Galwaybay Blake & Galwaybay HSH Redfield] – 2015 gelding by Tolan R (KWPN) out of Doughiska Lass (ISH) by Kannan (KWPN). Breeder: Justin Burke. Rider: Caroline Pamukcu (USA) 27.9, 0, 2.8 = 30.7
5th Cooley Nutcracker (ISH)[was Ballyshan Contender] – 2014 gelding by Tolan R (KWPN) out of Ballyshan Cleopatra (AES) by Cobra (HOLST). Breeder: Gary Doherty. Rider: Elisabeth Halliday-Sharp (USA) 28.7, 0, 4.8 = 33.5
9th OKE Ruby R (ISH)[was Excel Ruby] – 2013 mare by Namelus R (KWPN) out of B.Termie R 6 (KWPN) by Germus R (KWPN). Breeder: Martina McCrory (Tyrone). Rider: Waylon Roberts (CAN) 32.4, 4, 0.0 = 36.4
10th Pfun (ISH) [was Fernhill Teddy Two Two] – 2007 gelding by Tadmus (KWPN) out of Celerina (AEAS) by Cento (HOLST). Breeder: Tracy Priest (Tipperary). Rider: Will Faudree (USA) 30.4, 4, 3.6 = 38.0.
CCI 3* Short
3rd HSH Double Sixteen (TB) – 2015 gelding by Robin des Pres (TB) out of Azaria (TB). Breeder: Mrs Mohammed. Rider: Caroline Pamukcu (USA) 30.7, 0, 0.0 = 30.7
10th Lissavorra Quality (ISH) – 2016 mare by OBOS Quality 004 (OLD) out of Soolmoy Lucy (ISH) by Lux Z (HANN). Breeder: Patrick McLoughney. Rider: Elisa Wallace (USA) 31.5, 0, 4.4 = 35.9.
CCI 2* Short
5th Electric Quality (ISH) – 2017 mare by S Creevagh Ferro Ex Siebe (KWPN) out of Tynab Lily (AES) by Parco (BWP). Breeder: Marshall Jenkinson. Rider: Tim Bourke (IRL) 31.8, 0, 0.0 = 31.8
7th Da Vinci Code [was Killags De Vinci Code] (ISH)[TIH] – 2007 gelding by Master Imp (TB) out of Clovers Apollo (ID) by Clover Hill (ID). Breeder: James White (Wexford). Rider: Annabelle Sprague (USA) 33.3, 0, 0.8 = 34.1
9th MTF Cooley Classic (ISH)[was Camblin DC & Cooley All Over] – 2010 gelding by ARS Vivendi (HOLST) out of Josephines Fancy (ISH) by Olympic Lux (KWPN). Breeder: Michael Ryan (Tipperary). Rider: Page Ramsey (USA) 32.4, 4.4, 0.0 = 36.8.
CCI 1* Short
6th Kilcoltrim Jacko (ISH) – 2012 gelding by Jack of Diamonds (SWB)out of Sky Rise (ISH)(TIH) by Sky Boy (TB). Breeder: Shane Doyle (Carlow). Rider: Kyla Tovar (USA) 30.0, 4, 2.4 = 36.4
7th Kilcandra Prince Dignified (ISH) – 2015 gelding by Dignified Van’t Zorgyliet (BWP) out of Bonnie Dolly (ISH) by Bonnie Prince (TB). Breeder: Kilcandra Stud. Rider: Emily Watson (USA) 34.0, 0, 4.8 = 38.8.
7th Monbeg Libertine (ISH) – 2013 gelding by Womanizer (KWPN) out of Chill Lady [ISH] by Chillout [ISH]. Breeder: Ann Geraldine O’Malley (Mayo). Rider: Tim Bourke (IRL) 38.4, 4, 0.0 = 42.4
10th Slieve Callan Alpha (ISH) – 2013 gelding by Porsch (BWP) out of Gi Miz Minx (ISH) by Courage II (HOLST). Breeder: Niamh Tottenham (Clare). Rider: Ema Klugman (USA) 37.3, 0, 10.8 = 48.1
Open Intermediate
=4th Romans Code Red (ISH)[was PNP Heart Throb] – 2015 gelding by Womanizer (KWPN) out of Scoole Hill Clover (ISH) by Farney Clover (ISH)[TIH]. Breeder: Noelle McGuane. Rider: Katie Lichten (USA) 29.6, 4, 3.6 = 37.2
=4th Briarhill Excel Star Take 2 (ISH)[was Briarhill Lui Bay] – 2015 mare by Kings Cornet [ISH] out of Briarhill Cruise (ISH) by Luidam (KWPN). Breeder: Anne Coyne. Rider: Courtney Cooper (USA) 29.6, 4, 3.6 = 37.2
10th Monbeg Zebedee (ISH) – 2017 gelding by Dignified Van’t Zorgvliet (BWP) out of Bolacreane Dolly (ISH)[TIH] by Cult Hero (TB). Breeder: Marti Rudd. Rider: Alison Springer (USA) 25.7, 4, 12.4 = 42.1.
Open Preliminary
5th Fernhill B Good (ISH) – 2015 gelding by Ramiro B (BWP) out of Rigina (KWPN) by Lord de Lux (HOLST). Breeder: Richard Irwin (Tyrone). Rider: Caitlin Romeo (USA) 29.1, 0, 0.0 = 29.1
6th Woodview Diamond Star (ISH)[was Monbeg Cinnamon] – 2016 gelding by Cobra (HOLST) out of Ballycreen Nanoschka (ISH)[TIH] by Nearly A Nose (TB). Breeder: Gerard Ryan. Rider: Kelsey Hoiness (USA) 30.9, 0, 0.0 = 30.9
7th Quality Collusion (ISH) – 2016 gelding by OBOS Quality (OLD) out of KEC Sassari (ISH) by Aldatus Z (OLD). Breeder: William Kennedy. Rider: Stella Sunstein (USA) 31.1, 0, 0.0 = 31.1
8th Fernhill Cayenne (ISH) [was Porsch Cayenne] – 2008 gelding by Porsch (BWP) out of Molougha Flora (ISH)[TIH] by Triggerero (TB). Breeder: Jill Carberry (Dublin). Rider: Michael Willham (USA) 27.5, 0, 4.0 = 31.5.
Preliminary Rider
1st Quality Dynamite (ISH)[was Briaehill Excel Rox] – 2017 gelding by Kings Cornet (ISH) out of Lady Obama (ISH) by Diarado (HOLST). Breeder: Anne Coyne. Rider: Alayna Newsome (USA) 29.6, 0, 0.0 = 29.6.
Ram Trap Horse Trials (USA) 15th – 17th March 2024
Open Preliminary
10th Cooley Neptune (ISH)[was Annaghmore Rebel Beach] – 2015 gelding by Beach Ball (ISH) out of Annaghmore Temptress (KWPN) by Iroko (WESTF). Breeder: John Maguire. Rider: Helen Alliston (USA) 29.7, 0, 6.4 = 36.1.
Preliminary Rider
3rd Dassett Endeavour (ISH)[was Ricardos Vision] – 2013 gelding by Ricardo Z (ZANG) out of Cloneen Cavalier Countessa (ISH) by Cavalier Royale (HOLST). Breeder: James Thomas Wallace (Clare). Rider: Chloe Kischuk (USA) 31.1, 0, 0.0 = 31.1
5th Castle Larchfield Purdy (ISH) – 2002 gelding by an unknown sire out of Hallo Purdy (ISH) by Hallo (SF). Breeder: Patrick Hally (Kilkenny). Rider: Nadia Vogt (USA) 31.6, 0, 5.6 = 37.2.
Open Modified
8th Kilcurry Springfield (ISH)[was Global Vechta] – 2010 gelding by Kilcurry Lady (ISH)out of Diamond Vechta (ISH) by Vechta (KWPN). Breeder: Brendan Hearty (Louth). Rider: Katie Dillon (USA) 30.5, 0, 6.8 = 37.3.
These results are now complete for this week
These results have been provided to Horse Sport Ireland by Charlie Ripman,
The Irish bred eventing results are part-funded by the Department of Agriculture, Food, and the Marine under the Equine Technical Support Fund.
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