UK Equine Brexit Group – Communication Update

  • 30 January 2020, 10:46

The Withdrawal Agreement Bill has now been agreed by Parliament and received Royal Assent, so the UK will now enter a transition period until 31st December 2020. During this time, you should continue to move equines in the same way as you do now (using all the current processes and systems in place) until the end of 2020 – there are no immediate changes to the process. Arrangements after the transition period will depend on the outcome of UK negotiations with the EU which will take place in the interim.

The Withdrawal Agreement, includes the Ireland/NI protocol which will apply from the end of the transition or implementation period.  The Protocol sets out how Northern Ireland’s exit from the EU will work and if implemented, will establish that while the whole of the UK will leave the Customs Union, NI will align with EU Regulations on goods ( e.g SPS measures, marketing standards, product safety standards) and customs. Work is ongoing across DAERA to fully understand the implications of the Protocol for our work and our stakeholders in liaison with UK Government. Further information will be posted on the DAERA website as it becomes available.

All of the relevant guidance will be available on DAERA website throughout and further information will be posted as it becomes available. We are extremely grateful for your engagement so far and will continue to engage with you at regular intervals to keep you informed of what you need to know and the actions that you will need to take.

If you have any further queries please contact: [email protected].

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